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Collection: D1-D2

Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 items.
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2097_RP_03_D1-A2a_Inter_W0038_stack20_ic.jpx mouse: D1-Cre x A2a-flpo
reporter: intersectional JAX026932
GFP: neurons expressing both Cre (D1) and flpo (A2a)
tomato: neurons expressing only flpo (A2a)
1814_AAV-50_d1-fA2a_441_stack20_ic.jpx mouse: D1-cre x A2a-flpo
AAV : Flex-GFP FRT-tdTomato
GFP labeling of dSPNs and projections to SN
tdTomato labeling of iSPNs and projections to GPe
Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 items.
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