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Collection: jKS_Svoboda_Lab

Showing: 1 - 27 of 27 items.
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Judith and Dave
Sarada_ALM cases
bltr_222_PL56_Nuo08_stack40.jpx Left: ALM cortex Tlx3_PL56_IT cre line: flex AAV-GFP tracer
Right: ALM cortex non-flex AAV-RFP tracer
bltr_224_KJ18_Nuo10_stack40.jpx Left: ALM cortex: Sim1_KJ18_PT-Cre, Flex AAV-RFP tracer
Right: ALM cortex: non-flex AAV-GFP reporter
bltr_307_ztr2_ALM_ZG105_stack40.jpx Left: 2x ALM injections non-Flex AAV-GFP and non-Flex AAV-RFP tracer
bltr_309_tr2_ALM_SNR_ZG107_stack40.jpx comparison of projections of ALM cortex (non-flex AAV-RFP)
and SNR (non-flex AAV-GFP) to thalamus and superior colliculus
bltr_332_ztr2_VM_ZG112_1021_stack40.jpx projections from VM thalamus (AAV-RFP) from PF and intralaminar thalamus (AAV-GFP) to ALM cortex
bltr_336_ztr2_DCN_ZG110_1020_stack40.jpx comparison of projections of ALM cortex (AAV-GFP) and deep cerebellar nucleus (DCN) (AAV-RFP) to thalamus, superior colliculus and pons
bltr_378a_LC_ALM2X_ZG116_0129_stack40.jpx ALM cortex: axonal projections (AAV-GFP) and inputs to (AAV-SL1-RFP)
reciprocal projections with VM and related thalamus
bltr_379ac_LCcr_mR_ALM_IT_HZ102_0130_stack40.jpx input to ALM IT neurons with transynaptic rabies virus,
starter neurons in Tlx_PL56 IT neurons (RFP), neurons providing input labeled with GFP
bltr_399b_HC_H2b_ALM_ZG119_0320_stack40.jpx ALM projections labeled with AAV-GFP tracer and
inputs labeled with AAV-SL1-H2B-RFP
bltr_575_jHZ_WGA_GFP_ALM_jHZ014_0222.jpx ALM cortex projections labeled with AAV-GFP tracer and inputs labeled with WGA
recipirocal connections between ALM and thalamus labeled
bltr_576_jHZ_WGA_GFP_ALM_jHZ015_0223.jpx ALM cortex projections labeled with AAV-GRP tracer and inputs labeled with WGA
reciprocal connections between ALM and thalamus labeled
bltr_315_ztr2_GN220_ZG108_0929_stack40.jpx ALM cortex Layer 6 projections labeled in Ntsr_GN220 Cre line with AAV-flex RFP
ALM cortex Layer 5/6 projections labeled with AAV-non-flex GFP (labels both IT and PT neurons)
bltr_317_ztr2_GN220_ZG109_0929_stack40.jpx ALM Layer 6 projections labeled in Ntsr1_GN220 Cre line with AAV-flex-RFP
ALM layer 5/6 projections labeled with AAV-non flex-GFP (labels IT and PT neurons)
bltr_309_tr2_ALM_SNR_ZG107_stack40.jpx AAV-RFP injection in ALM
AAV-GFP injecion in SNR
bltr_682_HZ19_PPN_35109_1012.jpx Hidehiko: AAV-tomato: PPN injection
bltr_692_HZ20_SL1_H2B_PVM_5370_1027.jpx Hidehiko: VM-SL1 injection: red
ChAT: Green
bltr_693_HZ20_VM_SL1_H2B_5301_1028.jpx Hidehiko: VM SL1 injection : red
ChAT: green
bltr_703_HZ22_AAV_PPN_8872_1215.jpx Hidehiko: AAV_RFP into PPN
bltr_703_HZ22_AAV_PPN_8872_1216.jpx Hidehiko: AAV_RFP into PPN (2)
bltr_718_HZ23_AAV_ZI_2180_0126.jpx ZI injection: AAV, VGAT-Cre
bltr_719_HZ24_AAV_ZI_263_0130.jpx Hidehiko: AAVinjection: Zona Incerta; GAD2-Cre
bltr_727_HZ24_AAV_Cre_PPN_871_0220.jpx AAV-Cre_PPN: Green
bltr_739_jJY01_SScre_SC_0601.jpx Jianing SCinjection:mRuby , SOM-IRES-Crex:GFP, M:CTB_Alexa647
bltr_515_jHZ_SL1_VM_jHZ011_1113.jpx VM injection: SL1-GFP, retrograde red beads
bltr_513_jHZ_SL1_VM_jHZ010_1101.jpx VM thalamus injection, AAV-SL1_GFP, red beads
Showing: 1 - 27 of 27 items.
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